Women on the Brink: Gender and the Cold War in Latin America
Cold War, Dictatoship, Women, Guatemala, BrazilAbstract
It is a particularly arduous task to approach the phenomenon of the so-called Cold War from a perspective that includes women, who are just as affected as men by harassment and persecution, given that they have been the almost exclusive actors in specialised historiography, and not only in Latin America. This article analyses two societies in two different chronological moments in the contextual framework of the Cold War, which led to the destabilisation of democratic governments and the establishment of institutional dictatorships in the region. In these scenarios, the role of women is highlighted both individually and collectively. In the case of Guatemala, the focus is on the career of María Cristina Vilanova, wife of President Arbenz. In the second case, Brazil, a women's movement is introduced within the framework of the struggles against the dictatorship imposed in 1964, the Movimento Femenino pela Anistía (MFPA), which emerged in 1975.
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