About the Journal
Ethical principles
In order to guarantee transparency and impartiality in the process involved in the selection and publishing of historical investigations, Cuadernos del Ciesal adheres to these ethical regulations so as to ensure integrity in the publishing of its articles, and encouraging all participants of the editorial process (readers, authors, reviewers, managers, publishers, etc) to conduct themselves in an ethical manner. Historia Regional acknowledges that the editorial process must be transparent, thorough and balanced – and to achieve this ideal, it will observe the following norms and policies, making sure that all those involved in the aforementioned process act ethically and equitably.
1. Responsibilities of the Editorial Team
The editorial team at Cuadernos del Ciesal (Management, Secretaries’ Offices and the Editorial Committee) takes responsibility for the decision of publishing received articles, as well as rejecting them, which will be assessed according to their scientific quality alone – the author’s professional and academic position, political and theoretic orientation, nation of origin or gender will not be taken into account. The team will make use of all resources available in guaranteeing confidentiality in the reviewing process – this includes the anonymity of reviewers and authors, the content being evaluated, the report issued by the reviewers and any other communication done during the process. Likewise, the team will keep confidentiality when presented with statements, demands or complaints which an author may send to the magazine’s committees or the article reviewers. Intending to avoid instances of ambiguity whenever possible, the team will publish an updated set of guidelines regarding the responsibilities of those involved in the editorial process, and the requirements which works sent to the magazine must meet. The guidelines will also specify the arbitration system implemented in the selection of articles and the evaluation criteria which external reviewers must apply.
2. Responsibilities of authors
The concepts conveyed by authors are exclusively their own responsibility, and do not necessarily represent the views of either the Editorial Committee, the Academic Committee, the consultants, the reviewers, the History section nor ISP nº 3.
Considering that Cuadernos del Ciesal accepts publishing original works – meaning works which have not been published in the past, and have been neither sent nor submitted to other publishing agents, whether partially or entirely – a statement declaring the manuscript to be original must be done by the author upon submission. In the same vein, the authors are responsible for any action considered to be fraudulent and/or a scientific misrepresentation.
Authors must avoid and take responsibility for any infringement of a third party’s rights, in particular of the methods and participation mechanisms of other researchers and/or assistants in the creation of their works. An exception to this can be considered if the corresponding identity and task done are mentioned in a footnote. While not mandatory, it is suggested to include a special thanks to those who have contributed to the investigation (institutions, reviewers, commenters, etc).
It is the authors’ responsibility alone to adequately follow the editorial regulations for the presentation of contributions to the magazine. Failure to meet these demands may merit immediate rejection of a submission.
3. Responsibilities of reviewers
Reviewers will make a commitment to providing an objective, informed, critical, constructive and impartial revision of the article. Approval and rejection are to be based solely on the relevance of the work, its originality, its appeal and its adherence to the indicated style and content guidelines.
Reviewers will accept that the evaluation process of the manuscripts involves handling sensitive information which must be treated as confidential. They are therefore under the obligation not to spread, nor leak, nor make use of either the identity of the author or the information within the submitted works, under any circumstance.
Reviewers suspecting fraud will confidentially notify the Editorial Committee, and will not share this information with a third party.
Should a conflict of interest arise, whether potential or real, reviewers will commit to declining the evaluation of the manuscript. Should there be any doubts, the Editorial Committee will be consulted to resolve the conflict.
Plagiarism policy
All articles submitted to Cuadernos del Ciesal will be examined with the plagiarism detection software chosen by the Editorial Committee.
Plagiarism is understood to be:
- To present the work of a third party as one’s own.
- To adopt the words or the ideas of other authors without acknowledging them.
- Not using double quotation marks or some other distinctive formatting in a direct quote.
- To provide incorrect information as regards the real source of a quote.
- To paraphrase a source without quoting it.
- To paraphrase abusively, even if the source has been quoted.
If there is a suspicion of plagiarism, the Editorial Committee will proceed as follows: when solicited at any moment between the submission and evaluation of the manuscript, the Editorial Committee will assess the case and emit an opinion. The Committee may then send the evidence to the author, demanding an explanation. Should the reply not be satisfactory to the Editorial Committee, the manuscript will not be submitted to evaluation by a third party nor published (depending on the time of determination). Furthermore, the magazine will reject any other production by the author. This decision is to be considered not subject to appeal. Communications, papers or conferences presented in scientific reunions will not be considered to be redundant publications, and are not impeded from being submitted to the magazine, but authors must declare this circumstance in a footnote at the beginning of the article, or in the special thanks.